Sound and Vibration Instrument Hire and Calibration
Norsonic 110 Sound Level Meter - Options
Norsonic have superseded the Nor 110 with the
Nor 116,
Nor 118 and Nor 140 analysers. The following details have been retained for information purposes.
Our Nor 110 Analysers included options 0, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 07, 10, 12 and 14
Option 0 Sound Level Meter Mode
The Nor 223 has been withdrawn from hire, the specifications have been retained for information purposes.
This mode is for general purpose level measurements. The following functions are measured simultaneously
The Leq is measured directly it is not based on measurements using F, S or I time constants
The Nor-110 includes A, B, C, Linear and Flat spectral weighting networks.
The Nor-110 measures with all three time constants employed simultaneously.
Statistics are calculated using the main time constant, the one used by the bargraph. You may set the main time constant as required to either F, S or I.
Option 01 Frequency Mode - serial and real time
Digital Filters 1 Hz - 20 kHz
Parallel 1/1 and 1/3-octave band, real time filters
Serial 1/1 and 1/3-octave band filters, with manual selection or auto-scan
All filters fulfil the IEC 61260 class 1 digital IIR base 10 requirements
At the end of each measurement, the Leq, SPLmax and SPLmin levels for each filter are displayed graphically or in table format. The Lmax or Lmin settings may be changed to display the L10 or other parameters.
The filter range may be adjusted - for example 100 Hz to 3150 Hz for building acoustics measurements.
Serial filters are handy when signal to noise problems threaten to ruin sound insulation measurements - for example. By confining the bandwidth of your excitation source to 1/3 octave, you may be able to boost the output level by up to 16 dB to get above the ambient level.
Using Mode 7, Narrow Band, the bandwidth can by as small as 1/6 or 1/12 octave, with user-defined centre frequency.
Option 02 Reverberation Time Mode
Reverberation time calculations are normally carried out in octave or third octave bands.
The Nor-110 accepts both noise and impulses as excitation signal. When used together with the Norsonic Noise Generator Nor-230 a synchronised measurement based on noise excitation can be made. However, any noise generator may be used as excitation source.
The decay curve is based on consecutive recordings of 4 or 16 msec periods of Leq measurements. As soon as the level has dropped 5dB below its initial level the calculation is started. The initial level will be the maximum level for impulse excitation and the Leq for a preset (user-defined) time when using noise excitation.
The Nor-110 calculates the reverberation time based on both a 20dB decay (T20) and a 30dB decay (T30). By comparing these two values, you are able to make a simple curvature check. More on how Norsonic measures reverberation time.
When measuring with impulse excitation, the instrument will also calculate the EDT (Early Decay Time). Reverberation time calculations are carried out on sequential (serial) basis (one frequency band at the time). However, the Nor-110 can by set up to scan through the frequency bands for you. Retakes of single frequency bands, or a group of frequency bands is also possible, whenever needed.
Option 03 Time Mode
The option 3 Time Mode turns the Nor-110 into a sophisticated electronic and paperless level recorder. The principle employed is the recording of successive measurement periods of (identical) user-defined duration. The period length can be set to anything between 2msec and 100 hours less 1 second, the available resolution is 1msec, while settings above 1 second can be made with a 1 second resolution.
If you set the period length to 1 second or longer, up to eight functions can be logged simultaneously - turning the Nor 110 into a multi-channel data logger. Then the following functions are then available for logging
For periods shorter than 1 second the recorded function can be either short term Leq or SPL sampled at the end of each period.
The available number of periods for a measurement depends on the amount of free memory available. For an empty memory (no set-ups, no measurements stored) the total number of periods available amounts to 100,000. However, by introducing parallel logging of several functions, the available number of periods will be reduced accordingly, as they all share the same memory. Example: By logging two, instead of one function, the available number of periods will be halved and by logging four, the number will be one quarter.
An extensive range of trigger settings may be used. There is also a pre-trigger settings. Say for example you wish to record, not only the event but a few seconds before the event, this is possible.
During a measurement 'markers' to signify events, for example a lorry, aircraft etc., may be added.
Extensive post processing is available to remove exclude certain events from the calculations or to recalculate only with selected events 'present'.
Option 04 - Sequence Mode
The Sequence Mode enables up to 9 measurements to be programme in any 24 hour period. These programmes will then run every day at their scheduled time.
Basically you save a setup file for each type of measurement you want to perform. The Sequence Mode then calls up the first file and runs it at the allotted time. There may then be a gap and/or at the next point in time the second setup file is recalled and a new measurement made and stored.
Using the Sequence Mode the Nor 110 may be left to carry out un-attended measurements.
Option 05 - Event Mode
The Event Mode automatically stores the event details. The file[s] are stored in a special directory which the Nor 110 generates automatically.
If the Nor-110 is hooked up to a printer, a printout will be made immediately after the event is over. The printout contains the
SEL, one-second
Leq values, the maximum SPL (with all three time-constants), the start & stop time of the event and the time of occurrence of the maximum level recorded.
Option 07 - Narrow Band Mode
The Option 7 Narrow Band Mode is an extension of the basic Level Mode, which is standard in the Nor110.
The Narrow Band Mode lets you make measurements in 1/6 and 1/12 octave. This mode is not intended for narrow band frequency analysis - the aim is rather to let you inspect certain phenomena in detail. The Narrow Band Mode has therefore been equipped with freely selectable centre-frequencies. You have six digits plus decimal point at your disposal for centre frequency setting. You may therefore set the centre frequency to values like 23.2577Hz or 4532.24Hz.
However, once you have defined a centre frequency, hitting PREV or NEXT will cause the centre frequency to jump one bandwidth in the corresponding direction. Apart from this, the Nor-110 will look and operate the same as when used in Level Mode.
Option 10 Percentile Spectra Mode
The analyser calculates all the Ln values [0.1% to 99.9%] for each filter in 0.1 dB steps. This requires a massive 'current' memory, so for practical reasons only the Leq and 2 values for each filter are transferred to the non-volatile memory when the results are save.
You can save as many spectra as you need but once a new measurement is started the data in the 'current' memory is over written.
All Lns are available once the measurement has ended.
The Nor-110 measures with all three time constants employed simultaneously.
Statistics are calculated using the main time constant, the one used by the bargraph. You may set the main time constant as required to either F, S or I.
The data is sampled with 0.2 dB classwidth and classwidths are adjustable for post processing.
Option 14 Vibration Networks - Engineering Mode
Parallel 1/1 and 1/3-octave band, real time filters, 1 Hz - 20 kHz
Serial 1/1 and 1/3-octave band filters, 1 Hz - 20 kHz with manual selection or auto-scan
All filters fulfil the IEC 61260 class 1 digital IIR base 10 requirements
All the features of the Time Mode are available to use the Nor 110 as a multi-channel vibration level recorder or to investigate transients and other events.
Using Mode 7, Narrow Band, the bandwidth can by as small as 1/6 or 1/12 octave, with user-defined centre frequency.
* Our standard hire charges are based on a 4-day minimum period, details other options.