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Sound and Vibration Instrument Hire and Calibration

Norsonic 110 Sound Level Analyser

Norsonic 110 Sound Level Analyser

Norsonic have superseded the Nor 110 with the Nor 116, Nor 118 and Nor 140 analysers.
The following details have been retained for information purposes.

Nor 110 : Real Time Noise and Vibration Analyser - multi-function - type 1  
Multi-function precision sound level analyser
Simultaneous measurement of SPL (Fast, Slow, Impulse, Peak+ and Peak-) as well as Leq, SEL and all the Ln statistical values.
Graphical & numerical displays.
Real Time digital filters - 1 Hz to 20 kHz
Eight channel electronic level recorder.
Vibration measurements option with engineering units + whole body and hand arm networks.
Results may be automatically stored in the large non volatile memory and / or transferred to a PC using the Nor 1020 Nor-Xfer software.

In the event of a 'flat' battery the last thing the Nor 110 does is to store the results in the non volatile memory.

The built-in options include
Level Mode - general purpose level measurements, various parameters measured simultaneously
Filter Mode - real time 1/3 and 1/1 octave filters, 1 Hz - 20 kHz. Graphical and table displays.
Reverberation Mode - calculates EDT, RTs and presents curves and tables
Time Mode - plots and stores the time histories of the Leq, Peak etc., + L10 or other percentiles.
Sequence Mode - programmable measurement sequences
Event Mode - 4 x- level measurements with event detection and store / print
Narrow Band - 1/12, 1/6 octaves - selectable frequencies
Percentile Spectra - Ln values for each filter bands - in 0.1 dB steps
Statistics Mode - all Lns, adjustable class widths graphical and numerical plots. Level, time and event modes
Vibration Networks + Engineering Units - vibration measurements in absolute units and weighted according to the various British and ISO Standards - also includes hand arm and whole body networks. Order an accelerometer separately, if required
For more details on any of the above options click here
Norsonic 110 Specifications
Delivered with a precision measurement microphone, preamplifier, 2 m microphone extension cable, all the options listed above, rechargeable batteries, a mains / charger, windshield all in a carrying case together with current calibration certificates.
Also included is the Nor 1020 software and a download cable, one set per hire. If you require extra copies, they are available at the list price.
We stock a wide range of accessories, please order what you want and only pay for what you need

Sound level meters and particularly microphones are very susceptible to damp, so should not be used outside, unless protected.

Environmental Noise Kits

Nor 110 : Environmental Noise Kit £ 33 a day *
Nor 110 : Multi-function Sound Analyser - type 1
GRAS 41AL : Outdoor Microphone System - type 1
GA 91E1-30 : Outdoor Noise Meter Enclosure - new 2016
We recommend you also hire a Nor 1251 precision calibrator, or similar - if you do not already have one.
Popular Accessories
B&K 4370 : Accelerometer - general purpose
B&K 4505 : Accelerometer for hand arm applications
Nor 1251 : Sound Calibrator - class 1 - recommended for use with the GRAS 41AL
Nor 1408 : Microphone preamplifier extension cable - 10 m
Nor 1410 : Microphone preamplifier extension cable -   2 m
GRAS 41AL : Outdoor Microphone System - type 1
GA 80G1-00 : Meter stand 0.4 - 1.45 m high
GA 85W2-00 : Vibration - hand arm mounting kit
GA 91E1-30 : Outdoor Noise Meter Enclosure - new 2016
Davis : Weather Station
Kestrel 2000 : Pocket Weather Meter
We also hire Windows laptops loaded with the Nor 1020 PC software.


Vibration measurements using the Nor 110

Sound level meters will double as vibration meters if you can substitute an accelerometer in place of the microphone
The Nor 110 Sound Analyser includes features that make it useful for vibration measurements
the 1/3 octave filters extend down to 1 Hz - most sound analysers stop at 16 Hz or higher
includes vibration white finger and whole body vibration weighting networks
the time mode enables level v time measurements down to 2 ms sample periods
Engineering units are included so vibration levels may be read directly and the meter sensitivity may be adjusted for a wide range of accelerometers.
To use an accelerometer instead of the microphone supplied, add a Nor 1447 or B&K JJ 2615 mechanical adaptor and one of the accelerometer detailed here.
To calibrate key in the sensitivity given in the Calibration Certificate supplied with the accelerometer or order a B&K 4294 vibration calibrator. The B&K 4294 is the preferred method to check the accelerometer, cable(s) and meter.
The Nor 110 also has a BNC line input, so it is ideal for use with B&K 2511, 2635 or similar charge amplifiers. Alternatively a Nor 1505 accelerometer may be plugged straight into the microphone input for general purpose measurements
A B&K 4505 accelerometer is recommended for hand arm measurements - see also the GA 85W2-00 hand arm 'white finger' vibration mounting kit which should be ordered if required.

For hand arm vibration diagnostic measurements we offer the Nor 110 Hand Arm Vibration Diagnostics Kit

Hand Arm Vibration Analysis

Nor 110 : Hand Arm Vibration Analyser Kit £ 36 a day *
Nor 110 : Multi-function Sound Analyser - type 1
B&K 4294 : Vibration Calibrator
B&K 4505 : Accelerometer
GA 85W2-00 :Hand arm vibration mounting kit
Alternatively for triaxial vibration white finger measurements we recommend the Larson Davis HVM 100 Meter
If you would like information on the current UK legislation then click here to link to the HSE site.
For the full range and more details see the Norsonic lists
* Our standard hire charges are based on a 4-day minimum period, details other options.

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